The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

22 August 2008

It might be hope

My father is coming to Ferndale this weekend. In fact, in like 7 hours. This is big. I haven't seen him in 10 years and Megan has only met him at the wedding weekend festivities. This'll be the first time he meets our kids. I'm excited with a sense of anticipation.

It all began with a song. Last month, there was like a two week stretch where every morning I would wake up with the Sara Groves song, "It might be hope" in my head. (This actually happens a lot - I wake up with a song in my head almost every day. That song will usually frame my worship that morning and is a way that God speaks to me.) Every time I listened to the song I was really moved. Like the 10th time this happened I stopped to ask myself - why? The song describes a scene in which you walk into a room, look out the window and see something out there that inspires something in you, and you realize that what was just birthed in you was hope. I realized that, in my mind's eye, I was seeing something out of my "window" that was birthing hope in me. I'm pretty thick, but not that thick, so I asked myself (God?) the question, "what am I seeing out of my window?" And I realized right away that what I was seeing was my father coming up my walkway to my house. Voila!

It might be hope.


Jessica said...

I love Sara Groves, she sings things that are so real and so easy to relate too! I am excited for you Jim and praying for more hope and that great things come from your relationship with your dad!

Jim said...

thanks, jess!