The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

07 December 2007

The Top 5 Reasons I've Let My Hair Grow Long

Everyone wonders, so here they are:
5. Megan wanted me to change my hairstyle, and she likes it.
4. I had had the same basic haircut/style for 15 of 17 years, the other two years being that my head was shaved. I mean, come on people, that's half my life! It was time for a change.
3. I have a little bit of a stubborn rebel contrarian in me that likes to defy expectations.
2. Megan wanted me to change my hairsytle and she likes it.
1. It is easy to let it grow long. This is the same #1 reason why I shaved my head. I hated having to get a hair cut every three or so weeks - too much time, too much money, too much hassle. Now I don't have to mess with that. I just put some put some "product" in my hair each morning, after washing it, and muss it up a bit, and I'm good. I only need a haircut every several months and I go to my sister for this and it is a nice time to catch up. A win-win all around!


Mr. Jeff said...

HeHeHe, One to many inquiries on the hair, eh Jim?! Love ya man!

Unknown said...

Thank-you for the insight. I was not gonna ask but was dying to know. Love, Sue