The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

23 July 2008

Our recent trip Up North

Recently the whole Pool party went Up North for the first six days. This is a photo documentary of some of our doings ... Enjoy!

Esther, in all her beauty. I believe this is her wondering what the big deal is about Tahquamenon Falls, and why we won't let her out of the stroller to run around. Esther has recently determined, at 2 and a half, that is finally time to become a two year old! Esther had a great time Up North. For the whole trip she only had one hearing aid (because of some technical difficulties with the other, and having too much wax in her ear to get a good fitting mold). But you wouldn't know it - her speech is coming along so well. What a gem Esther is!

Elijah at Tahquamenon Falls. If you know Eli, you know he loves falls. The water level was so much higher this year, because of all the rain we've had in Michigan. That made the Upper Falls that much more spectacular (no dry spots), but it was a big disappointment when it came to the Lower Falls. The increased water meant that the river at the Lower Falls was too high and the current too strong for us to wade in and enjoy the falls up close and personal. I'm half-way inclined to think my mom put in a personal prayer request with Odin, to send rain, because she was not a big fan of our escapades at the Lower Falls last year (though she herself has walked across the rim of the Upper Falls!).
This is Eden, sporting her new sunglasses. They sort of make her look bug-like. One of the great things about being Up North was that there was plenty of room for Eden to run wherever her heart desired. Except that she had no fear and would often seek to run right into the lake! Oh, and Up North, Eden renewed her claim to fame as The Bobcat. She hardly slept two hours at a time for two-thirds of the time and instead became Bobcat.

Eli at Lake Michigan, in the part we call Sturgeon Bay. I don't know if that's any kind of official name. But that's what I've grown up calling it my whole life. It is about 15 minutes from our cabin and it is a mandatory visit every Up North trip. This is like a little taste of heaven for Eli, because there is water and plenty of rocks for building little "waterfalls" and also sand dunes to climb.

Eden enjoying a break on the Daddy bench, along the shores of sunny Carp Lake - aka Paradise Lake. Lots of politics in that, I think. And as they say, all politics are local, so I'm not too tuned into the finer nuances, other than that perhaps Carp Lake (which sounds a little like something else) might not always make for the most attractive vacation spot. Paradise Lake, on the other hand ... you get the picture. There aren't even any carp in the lake. Anyway, that's me relaxing at my uncle's cabin. What a nice time.

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