The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

23 January 2008

i surrender

i think i've blogged about this before, but one of the biggest challenges i face is each morning from about 7:30-8:45. that's the time of day that i most just want to sit down and check and reply to my personal emails and blog and sip my coffee and talk to meg or read a part of my book. my kids have other plans. this is the time of day that they love to climb up into my lap and eat their second breakfast, or fight over toys or whatever. generally anything that involves my attention. like telling me stories. it is wonderful and frustrating at the same time ... like all the best things in life i suppose. of course, the fact that this is one of the most difficult parts of my day must mean that i'm an american: i don't face the threat of bombs or disease or having to walk to work or anything. but still, for me, it is a bit of an emotional challenge. any one have any suggestions for how i can more faithfully surrender? i'm all ears.

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