The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

23 January 2008

"So is this your first time going to Africa ... ?"

This is a question I've been hearing a lot of lately from my well-traveled friends. I'm going to Ethiopia in a few weeks (I can't believe it is right around the corner!) and when I tell my friends, I often hear that question. It is usually associated with a knowing look. Its as if they're remembering their first time in Africa. Everyone whose been says that you come back changed, once you've been to Africa. Is it true? Why is it? They say it gets into you and you're different. Will it be that way for me? I suspect it will, but I'm slightly nervous that knowing about this change ahead of time will somehow jinx it. I know it is stupid, but it is something I think about. But I'm sure that I will be changed, and probably in ways I can't quite anticipate or expect. I'm looking forward to my trip. I know that the biggest fruit in a short term missions trip is in the missionary - and not the ones ministered to. What will God grow in me?

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