The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

23 January 2008

They grow so fast

I know it is cheesy, but it is sort of true. Kids do grow fast, don't they? I mean, you don't really notice it for a while, and then, all of sudden, there it is. For me that happened the other day. Eli has this favorite pastime we call "Climb the Mountain." I'm the mountain. I grab his hands with my outstretched arms and he then walks up me. It is fun. Well, only maybe six months ago, he could climb all the way up me and stand straight up on my shoulders and not touch his head on the ceiling of our kitchen. Now, just the other day, he couldn't even stand up straight on my shoulders and his head was banging the ceiling! My how they grow.


George Polcaster said...

Hey watch out for those ceiling fans with your innovative growth chart.


Jim said...

indeed! it is an issue. good thing eli doesn't like charting his growth in the dining room! it'd be disaster.