The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

02 February 2008

Dreamy Ambitions

You know, I had these ambitions of posting up a bunch of thoughts this evening, before heading off to Ethiopia tomorrow. I've got all these thoughts rumbling around in my head and on scattered little slips of paper. They want to come out. But I'm tired. And it is late. And I still do have to preach and all that before heading out tomorrow. So I should go to bed.

But I'll leave with a sneak preview. I've been chewing on some ideas related to picking candidates and how that relates to leadership development (and emotions, as my friend Josh Neds-Fox pointed out). And I've got a series of reflections from my reading in Integrity by Dr. Henry Cloud. It is a good book that they've got us reading in our area pastors' group.

Well, I hope to be able to post up some stuff while I'm in Ethiopia, but we'll see. I'm sure I'll have lots to say when I get back.

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