The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

25 February 2008

Some facts and a thought about Ethiopia

1. 70 million people - 3rd largest country in Africa
2. 50% are under 17
3. roughly 25-40% of the population is Muslim, with a fairly strong cultural influence
4. It is the birthplace of civilization, or, really, humanity. Civilization began in Mesopotamia.
5. But they did invent coffee! Thank you, Kaldi!
6. But probably one of the things of greatest interest to me about Ethiopia is the fact that it is relatively hidden and obscure. It is a nation rich with history and legacy, and yet, for the most part, it is overlooked, passed by in the sweep of history and the great powers. This excites me. Not only does it mean that American culture is ubiquitous, it is also in these kinds of strategic and out of the way places that God loves to break in with His Kingdom, and that is just what He seems to be doing there right now.

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