The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

03 March 2008

Esther's Boombox

Do you know those refrigerator magnet ABC boxes, the ones where you put the magnetized letter into it and it says what it is? If you have a kid, then you probably know what I'm talking about. And if you've visited a house with kids, then you've probably seen it without realizing it.

Well, one of Esther's favorite things to do is to pull that thing off the fridge, press the button for the Alphabet song, and then put it up to her ear and walk around with a bop in her step. Its her little boombox. Eden has even taken to modeling her, too.

I haven't been able to get a picture of this yet, because every time I go to capture the moment, Esther sees me and then hams it up for the camera. So no dice. But we'll keep trying.

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