The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

28 March 2008

Two Early Morning Reflections

Kind of thoughtful this morning. More than anything I just sort of sat there in the Lord's presence, like two friends who feel like spending time, but don't feel like saying much.

One thing I was thinking about was a conversation I had recently with someone about worship. I love to sit in the front row on Sundays at our church. You might think its because I'm the pastor, but that has very little to do with it. In fact, I've often thought of sitting elsewhere, especially when guests come that I've invited. Truth is, I get distracted pretty easily. When I sit up front, I'm much less distracted by all kinds of things and I can focus in on the Lord. That's what I want to be doing during worship. I need more of this in my life. If you're like me, you should try it.

I also got to thinking about thankfulness. I've been feeling rather busy and a little overwhelmed recently. That's one reason I was just trying to sit there this morning. And I was reminded of how one way I can fight the urge towards anxiety and being rushed to get the next thing done, is to stop and say "thanks" for what the Lord has done and what he is doing. It helped.

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