The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

07 March 2008

A New Book!

Anne Rice's newest book, Christ The Lord: The Road To Cana is here. I'm excited.  Her last book on the life of Christ, Out of Egypt was great.  I didn't really even realize that it was coming, and then, suddenly, it was being released.  And now I get to read it.  Yeah.  From vampire author to writing a faithful fictional account of the life of Jesus.  God is good.


karen said...

So interested to see this. I'd never heard of Anne Rice (with vampire nor Jesus reference) until last week. Then in three consecutive days I heard 1/the radio talk of her new depiction of Jesus humanity, 2/my sister-in-law excited to be reading her book about a family of witches, and 3/that she may have returned to her Catholic roots. I'd like to talk more in order to be prepared for opportunities with my sister-in-law. I'm on the library waiting list for the new book. Do you have the Out of Egypt one? Could I borrow it?

Jim said...

You know, as I remember from her story in the epilogue of Out of Egypt, she did have some Catholic roots. But from my perspective, and I mean this as no-Catholic-bashing, but to me her story read like a conversion. Like she came to Jesus. She may have embraced a Catholic tradition, but to me her faith feels very evangelical too.

You know, we do own Out of Egypt, but I can't account for it right now. Sorry. It really is very good. Might be worth acquiring a cheap used copy from Amazon.