The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

05 May 2008

Blast from the Past

Who is this man? And what is he saying?

Its an old picture of me from Army magazine, circa spring 1994. Here's the larger image, to give you a sense of the larger scene. Note the caption.About a dozen of us cadets were given the opportunity to take a (free) trip to the Normandy coast to discuss the D-Day invasion, around the time of the 50th anniversary of that amazing day.

Still preaching. Just a different gospel, I suppose.


Zena and Joshua said...

you still have those glasses, don't you.

Jim said...

I wear them when Meg and I go on dates.

J Brasfield said...

I think we need to start calling you "Maverick"...

I know, I know, wrong branch, but the resemblance is uncanny!

George Polcaster said...

Is that Rob Bell over your shoulder?

Jim said...

Jay, I was sort of thinking I looked a bit more like "Iceman."

Jim said...

That is Rob Bell. He and I used to vacation together in Europe and do strategy sessions together, but then I left the Army, and the kids came, and he got a little too busy for us to spend the same kind of time together.
