The Pool Party

The Pool Party
Jim, Megan, Eli, Esther, Eden and Olive

04 May 2008

Meet Me At The Sign of the Beefcarver

Among most of my friends, the Sign of the Beefcarver has something of a bad reputation. Okay, that's actually understating it. I've heard it openly mocked. But when Megan mentioned tonight that we might need to go out tomorrow to eat because we're a bit low on food, I'm proud to admit that the Sign of the Beefcarver is one place I'm happy to consider.

I like the Beefcarver. Good, solid, heartland food with plenty of older folks and youngish waitresses (and waiters) wishing they were working somewhere else. But they help you to your seat, even without a tip. And it reminds me of my grandma; we used to eat there a fair amount as a kid. Of course, I haven't been to the Beefcarver in years. I was so mocked the last time I went, which was years ago, when our friends Grant & Cheryl Lynn first visited Detroit, that no one has been willing to go back with me. Clarification: it wasn't so much Grant & Cheryl Lynn that mercilessly made fun of me, but it was sort of the prevailing mood.

Anyway, the grandma's of today are eating there still. At least those who haven't gone vegetarian and who practice bikram yoga.

So, friends, meet me at the Sign of the Beefcarver.


Unknown said...

Jim, I seem to remember I enjoyed the food and experience, but I do remember several people apologizing to us for choosing that restaurant as our intro to Royal Oak.

But, I'd go back. :)

Raising Cains said...

that was over 6 years ago. crazy, huh?

i'll admit, i found it amusing that this was the place chosen to perhaps woo us in all things royal oak. but perhaps that was what precisely made grant like it. :) roast beef, mashed potatoes, all you can eat.

i actually think grant is in detroit this week, so maybe a beefcarver reunion is in order.

Jim said...

Yeah, it is crazy that it was that long ago! And that I haven't been back since! You're right, Grant, I remember you liking the food, but I did catch some grief from the peeps. It'll be good to see you on Wednesday, Grant!

Reba said...

I'll admit, I was always amazed that the Cain's came back after that trip to SOTBC...